Product Description: Join Boruto, Naruto’s determined son, on his journey to become a shinobi like his master, Sasuke. Standing at approximately 4.55 inches tall, this...
Product Description: Prepare to witness the legendary mastery of Jiraiya in his most powerful form with the exclusive Funko Pop! Animation: Naruto – Jiraiya (Sage...
Product Description: The Funko Pop Naruto Gaara figure is a stylized collectible that stands 4 inches tall, making it a perfect addition to any Naruto...
Product Description: The Funko Pop Naruto Izumo Kamizuki figure is a stylized collectible that stands 3.82 inches tall, making it a perfect addition to any...
Product Description: The Funko Pop Naruto Kabuto Yakushi figure is a stylized collectible that stands 4 inches tall, making it a perfect addition to any...
Product Description: The Funko Pop Naruto Kiba With Akamaru figure is a stylized collectible that stands 4 inches tall, making it a perfect addition to...
Product Description: The Funko Pop Naruto Madara Uchihai figure is a stylized collectible that stands 5.5 inches tall, making it a perfect addition to any...
Product Description: The Funko Pop Naruto Rasengan figure is a stylized collectible that stands 4 inches tall, making it a perfect addition to any Naruto...
Product Description: The Funko Pop Naruto Sasuke figure is a stylized collectible that stands 3.75 inches tall, making it a perfect addition to any Naruto...